Our Story : How it All Began

Here's my story ... After almost two decades of suffering from multiple chronic health problems --everything from chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome and allergies to sinus infections, bronchitis, asthma, and eczema-- I was able to finally heal myself using natural and plant-based solutions to successfully accomplish what doctors and traditional medicine couldn’t. I was inspired to create the Dropwise product line after making an aromatherapy solution for my eczema that worked better than all the over the counter products I tried and almost as effectively as the numerous steroid medications I had been taking.  

I tried, like most people, to find answers through traditional medicine. But after years of going to different dermatologists and primary care physicians I was frustrated and tired of the cookie-cutter approach they used to address my problems.  

None of the medical professionals whose help I sought were able to get to the bottom of what was causing my ailments or to properly treat them. I even had one dermatologist who, unable to provide a treatable diagnosis, told me I needed to find activities to help me deal with my stress and suggested I take up rose gardening! Needless to say, at the time I thought he was a quack. But looking back at it now, his suggestion may have subconsciously led me to start down the path that has brought me to where I am today.  

Fed up, I finally decided to take control of my own health and stop relying on doctors and prescription meds to solve my problems. I believe that knowledge is power and when you know better you DO better, so I began my quest to learn as much as I could about alternative health practices to help me figure out what might be going on and find a better, more effective way to address and resolve it.  

I started devouring books on herbs and aromatherapy, yoga and meditation, flower essences, and homeopathy. If it had anything to do with plants or the mind-body connection then I wanted to know about it. I also started attending seminars and workshops. I became an obsessive label reader and spent countless hours in the aisles of drugstores, supermarkets, and natural foods stores studying ingredients to learn what’s in our everyday products that could be contributing to my health problems.


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